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Mobile Phone Policy

Dear Parent(s)/Carer(s),

Over recent weeks, directed by the Department for Education, South Shore Academy has been receiving school improvement support from a local Academy leader. As you know the Ofsted Report last year highlighted significant challenges here at South Shore and there is an urgent need for significant interventions to address the issues identified at our school.

Over the next half-term, Mr Warnock, Headteacher of St George’s school, part of Cidari Multi Academy Trust, will be supporting the South Shore Academy leadership team and Bright Futures as they make immediate changes to discipline, behaviour management and attendance systems to help your child achieve their potential. We know that some children will not like these changes, but rest assured they will help create a better Academy for pupils and staff.

As a South Shore Academy parent, you must support the school 100% even though, at times, you may feel that our approach is strict. I ask that you trust us and help your child succeed at school. By supporting us, you will also be supporting your child.

One immediate issue identified is the proliferation and use of mobile phones on the school site. Although the Academy has a mobile phone policy, some pupils openly use their phones throughout the day and refuse to put these away, despite staff requests; this is unacceptable.  The government released their stance on banning mobile phones in schools earlier this year: Mobile phones in schools – February 2024 ( Research also tells us that schools that have banned the use of mobile phones are seeing a significant rise in outcomes, improved mental health and social interaction skills. This, for us, gives a strong rationale for banning their use.

Next Steps: Monday 3rd June – New policy implemented (policy addition below)

All pupils will be reminded again in a return to school assembly about the new approach to banning and confiscation of mobile phones. Please talk to your child about this.  On the first occasion of confiscation, we will return the phone at the end of the day to your child.  On the second occasion we will confiscate the phone for one week and return to the parent. On a third occasion we will confiscate the phone until the end of the half-term and return to the parent.    As a parent we need you to support this as I am sure you will agree this is something we cannot compromise on.

Policy Change – Confiscations of mobile phones

1. Mobiles

 Reasons for confiscation

 1. A pupil’s phone is seen or heard on the school site.

 2. A pupil is found to be carrying more than one mobile phone (in this case, all of the phones are confiscated).

3. A pupil’s phone is found to be turned on while on the school site.

4. A pupil has been involved in inappropriate social media activity.

Time period

First Offence

  • Confiscated phones will be returned at the end of the day to pupils from the main office.

Second Offence

  • In the case of reasons 1-3, then the confiscated phones will be returned after a week to the parent.

Third Offence

  • In the case of reasons 1-3, confiscated phones will be returned at half term to the parent.
  • However, if an item is confiscated in either of the last two weeks of the half-term, it will not be returned until the last day of the half-term to the parent.

Further consequences

  •  If any phone is confiscated, the pupil will receive a detention. – If they refuse to hand it over or if they pretend it was not theirs, the item is confiscated as per policy.
  • If a pupil’s phone has been confiscated due to the pupil’s involvement in inappropriate social media activity, then the phone will not be returned as per confiscation tariff.

Some families like their children to ring home to confirm that they have arrived at school. Please be assured that if a child does not turn up for school the school will contact the family directly within an hour of the morning register being taken. This reduces the need for pupils to carry phones. 


Can my child bring their phone/electronic device to school?

Yes of course, we ask that they are switched off and out of sight during the school day and when on the school premises.

What will happen if my child refuses to hand in their electronic device/mobile phone?

This is something we all want to avoid and as such we will also have an escalated approach to this: Subject restorative>isolation room>suspension.  Please encourage your child to not use their device in school to avoid the above escalation.

What happens if I need to speak to my child during the school day?

There are rare occasions whereby you may need to speak with your child for emergency reasons. If this is the case, please contact the academy via the main number and we will endeavour to pass on messages or collect your child to use an Academy phone. If we feel that your child needs to speak with you, we will provide a private space using an academy phone to contact you.

Can devices be used during breaks/lunches?


I really find it hard to separate my child from their phone, can you help?

Please discuss this important and permanent change with your child to ensure a smooth transition. Thank you for your support in this matter.

Yours sincerely

Mr Naylor

Deputy Head

Proud to part of the Bright Futures Education Trust
South Shore Academy
St Annes Road
Blackpool, Lancashire, FY4 2AR